Pimping or pandering refers to any form of recruiting, employing, or finding customers for a prostitute. Pandering and pimping are serious sexual crimes in the state of Utah that can involve many participants and can lead to multiple charges for each individual involved. Prostitution is a very profitable illegal act that can take advantage of the employees, the clients, and additional outside parties.
Pandering/ Pimping Defense Attorney
If you have been accused of being involved with pimping or pandering, it is important to seek immediate legal counsel. Your legal representation at Zachary C. Holbrook, P.C. is prepared to thoroughly investigate your case and find evidence to support your innocence. Zachary’s knowledge of Utah sex crime law and the Utah court system enables him to keep you out of prison and your criminal record clean. In addition to building an aggressive pandering defense, he also facilitates plea bargains, reduced or dropped charges, reduced sentencing, and the right to a fair trial.