Credit card theft is increasingly common and may also involve identity theft. Credit card fraud may also indicate other forms of identity theft because of the personal information that is obtained for credit card fraud. Stolen credit cards can be used to commit internet fraud, obtain products and services without paying for them, and obtain funds illegally.
Credit card and credit card information may be obtained in the following ways:
- Obtaining credit cards from a stolen purse or wallet
- Obtaining credit card information or personal information to open a credit card from stolen mail
- Counterfeiting credit cards with bank information
- Purchase of stolen credit card numbers from an internet listing
Credit Card Fraud Criminal Defense Attorney
If you have been charged with credit card fraud, it is important to seek immediate legal counsel. Utah white collar crime attorney Zachary C. Holbrook, P.C. is prepared to thoroughly investigate your case and build a defense for your credit card fraud case. In addition to a vigorous defense, he facilitates plea bargains, reduced or dropped charges, reduced sentencing, and the right to a fair trial.