Extortion involves illegally obtaining property from someone through intimidation, threatening to destroy property, or threatening to expose information. At Zachary C. Holbrook, P.C. we prepare a vigorous defense for those accused of white collar crimes including extortion and bribery. Our extensive knowledge of Utah extortion law and the Utah court system allows us to strategize and create a positive outcome for your extortion case.
Various forms of extortion include:
- Blackmail
- Impersonating an officer of the law to obtain property or money
- Threatening violence if property or money is not received
- Imposing fear to obtain money from someone
- Demanding a ransom
- Using authority of office to obtain property or money
In some cases, your extortion case may involve additional charges and penalties if there is violence or fraud involved in the case. Extortion attorney Zachary C. Holbrook, P.C. can help you fight your extortion charges and sustain minimal damage to your reputation and criminal record. In addition to aggressively fighting your extortion case, He also facilitates plea bargains, reduced or dropped charges, reduced sentencing, and the right to a fair trial.