Battery is a serious crime and carries severe penalties in the state of Utah. Battery, a form of assault, is a violent crime and is generally classified as a first, second, or third degree felony. Battery charges can be made even from a small altercation that was seemingly harmless. Domestic disputes often result in assault and battery charges for one or both parties involved. When drugs or alcohol are involved, the battery incident may result in additional charges.
The severity of your battery charge depends on the circumstances and intention behind the attack. If your case does not involve any weapons and did not cause an injury, you will probably be charged with a third degree felony. However, if your attack involved weapons, serious injury, or recklessness you may be facing a second or first degree felony. You may be charged with battery assault even if you were involved in a simple shoving match or friendly scuffle that did not leave anyone injured.
Defense Attorney for Assault and Battery Charges
Zachary C. Holbrook, P.C. thoroughly reviews your case and comes up with the best strategy for your defense. When you choose Zachary Holbrook to represent you in court, he will examine every aspect of the case and evidence to prove your innocence. His priority is to keep his client’s record clean and keep them out of jail or prison.