Though a shoplifting charge can seem like a small fish to fry when compared to other criminal charges, it is still essential to work with an attorney. Shoplifting charges can have a substantial impact on your life over the long term. I offer criminal defense services for individuals that are being charged with shoplifting, or also known as retail theft. Here are a few of the reasons why you need an attorney for shoplifting charges and how they can help you through the process.
May Have a Range of Consequences
Shoplifting charges cover a large spectrum of circumstances. Due to this, they are also liable to have a broad range of consequences. These consequences can range from fines and community service to more serious jail time. Due to the broad array of consequences that you can potentially experience from your shoplifting charge, you will need to ensure that you hire an experienced criminal defense attorney to help you throughout the process.
Different Severities
Another reason why you need an attorney for shoplifting charges is that the range of consequences is generally caused by the different severities of retail theft charges. For example, on the less severe end, you may be charged with a misdemeanor for petty theft or other similar charges. Alternatively, an extreme case may even be a felony. A felony charge can have an extreme impact on your life over time, which is an additional reason why you need to work with an attorney to ensure that you have the best possible defense throughout your case. I can help to ensure that you are able to construct the best defense throughout your particular situation.
Often Depends on Situation
The outcome of your situation will depend on many different factors. The value of the item stolen tends to have a substantial impact on the severity of the crime. Though exact numbers will fluctuate between states, more valuable items tend to result in more severe consequences. In Utah, retail theft is an enhanceable charge, meaning that the court can consider any prior offenses that you may have had, which could cause more serious ramifications in your case. I can help you to determine these factors and construct your defense accordingly.
Serious Consequences Even for a First Offense
Jail time is unlikely for a first-time shoplifting offense, but it is still possible. Jail time can cause substantial disruption to your life that can cause an impact to the foreseeable future. Since you may potentially face time in jail after being charged with retail theft, you will need to ensure that you work closely with me to develop the best defense. I can help you to ensure the best outcome for your own situation.
Knowledge of Laws
Your retail theft case can be difficult to navigate, especially if you are unfamiliar with the relevant laws. Working with a criminal defense attorney will provide you with access to a comprehensive knowledge of these laws. I can help to ensure that you are familiar with what you may expect throughout your particular case. Knowledge is power, especially when you are facing criminal charges. Receiving expert guidance throughout your shoplifting charge is essential in obtaining the best outcome for your own situation.
Provide a Proper Defense
Your defense can make all the difference in your particular situation. Without an attorney, it is unlikely that you will be able to develop a proper defense that will help with your case. I can help you to create the right defense for your own situation. In addition to this, I will be able to advocate for you throughout your process. Being charged with shoplifting can often feel like everyone in the courtroom is against you. By working with an experienced criminal defense attorney, you can ensure that you have someone on your side.
I am passionate about providing you with the ideal criminal defense services to meet all of the needs of your criminal charge. It is important to work with an attorney when you are facing a retail theft charge. I can help to ensure that you are able to build an effective defense to aid with your own situation. Shoplifting charges can result in serious consequences, even for a first time offense. Working with a criminal defense attorney can help you to obtain the ideal outcome for your situation and minimize potential problems that can impact your future. For more information about why you need an attorney for shoplifting charges, contact me at Zachary C. Holbrook, P.C. today!
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